Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Missing Tuesday - Patti Adkins

Today I am featuring Patricia (Patti) Adkins, missing since June 29, 2001 from Marysville, OH.  Patti was last seen around midnight on June 29 at the Honda assembly plant where she worked second shift.  After clocking out, she walked out to the parking lot with some co-workers and was never seen again.  The plant where she worked was beginning a one-week shutdown, and Patti had told friends and family that she was leaving on vacation right after her shift ended, and that she would return a week later, on July 8, 2001.  Consequently, no one realized that Patti was missing until she had been gone for over a week.

Patti was a single mother of one daughter, aged 7 at the time of Patti's disappearance.  One of Patti's sisters was babysitting while Patti was on vacation.  When Patti did not return to pick up her daughter, her sister reported her missing.

Patti told friends and family that she was having an affair with a married co-worker who was planning on leaving his wife for her.  She had loaned him a large sum of money so that he could get his business out of debt.  According to her sister, Patti and the co-worker were going on a week-long camping vacation that the man had arranged in a remote area of Canada.  Patti asked a friend to drive her to work that last day.  The man allegedly told Patti not to pack anything and that they would buy what they needed when they arrived.  Patti said that they had arranged that after work, Patti would climb under the tonneau cover in the back of his pick-up and hide until he drove out of the parking lot, since he was married and did not want their co-workers to know about the affair since word might get back to his wife.

Patti's story really bothered me when I first saw it on Investigation Discovery, and at first I couldn't figure out why.  But then I realized that it was the kind of thing that I too would have done when I was in my 20's, thinking it was exciting and perfectly reasonable.  When I was that age, it wasn't that unusual for me to go off with boyfriends for several days without telling anyone where I was.  If I had gone missing, it might have been days before my family realized it.  When you are in your 20's, you don't believe in your own mortality.  It also takes a while for the human brain to develop the ability to work through a situation and realize what the consequences of one's actions might be.

At least one other report refutes Patti's version of her relationship with the man, saying that while the co-worker was a friend, he did not return Patti's infatuation with him, and that in fact, her infatuation had turned to obsession and she was beginning to stalk him.  In addition, the man's wife said he returned home around 2 a.m. after his work shift ended on June 29 and other family members confirmed that he was at home all week during the Honda plant shutdown.  Another co-worker stated that the married co-worker dropped him off at his home after work, and that they had stopped for something to eat on the way.  Odd behavior for a man going on a romantic getaway!  Patti's co-worker has been questioned a number of times by police.  Both his story and his wife's story appear to have changed from what they initially told the police (for example, at first the man said he was home all week, then later he said he had gone fishing over the weekend).  The man's name has not been released on any of the television coverage due to legal issues (although he has been identified online as Brian Flowers of Dola, OH).  He no longer works at the plant, reportedly because the other employees talking behind his back.  One of Patti's family members said that, looking back, there are a number of things that they can now see should have set off warning bells, but Patti was a grown woman capable of handling her own life.

There are also reports that Patti was deeply in debt, that her life was in disarry, and she decided to disappear to escape her mounting problems and left her daughter with her sister because she knew her sister would provide a good home for the girl.  This does not seem plausible, since Patti was devoted to her daughter and family, and to her pets, and had also made a hair appointment for the week following her scheduled vacation.  She owned a house in a quiet neighborhood, got along well with her ex-husband, and had a good job.  Her family describes her as big-hearted and trusting.

At the time of her disappearance, Patti Adkins was 29 years old - today she would be 40.  She is 5'8" tall, weighed about 120 lbs.  She has long light brown hair with blonde highlights and hazel eyes.  She has a tattoo of a flower in the middle of her back, pierced ears, and a pierced navel.  She was wearing a white Honda work uniform.  Extensive ground, air, and water searches of the Maryville area have not turned up any evidence, and there has been no activity on Patti's bank accounts.  As with all unsolved cases, there is undoubtedly information that her family and the police cannot discuss.

Maybe the co-worker did plan to kill Patti to avoid repaying the money he owed her or so his wife wouldn't find out; maybe they really did plan to go on vacation  but had a fight after leaving the plant, and Patti got out of the truck and walked off into the night; maybe Patti was stalking the man and climbed into the back of his truck intending to "surprise" him and instead was killed accidentally and the man panicked and disposed of her body; maybe Patti took the $90,000 from her retirement account and disappeared of her own accord.  Patti's family has accepted that she is deceased, and a court declared her dead in 2009.  Regardless of her actions or motives, Patti's family deserves answers to her disappearance, and to bring her home if possible.  If you have any information about Patti's disappearance, please contact the Marysville Police Department, 937/642-3900.


  1. What happened to this "around the corner" technology in DNA testing that would allow for the truck's tano cover's blood stain to be tested?

    1. The show did say patti's dna was found on that truck cover as well as a cat hair similar to her cat's.

    2. It was a TINY speck of blood, and so DNA not tested. Correct?
      Moral of story.... Notice how bad things happen to people when they are somewhere they should not be, involved in something (like seeing a married man) they should not be doing.

    3. That was BS. Read about the identification of 9/11 victims from insanely miniscule particles of remains.
      Why are they still dragging their feet on the DNA testing!?

    4. I suspect they don't have a sample. The PD made the claim to put pressure on the suspect.

    5. So anyone who has an affair with a married person should b scammed out of 90 thousand dollars and then killed!! Ur an ignorant ass! To bad u didn’t have the affair with Flowers!!!!

    6. It is A DAMN Shame that the Rest of us Aren't PERFECT like You LaNell Barrett!

    7. Her own family stated she was a grown woman, capable of conducting her life. Apparently did a bad job at some things. She was a very attractive woman, surely with many more choices in men. Quality ones. And not to have to pay them nearly $100,000 to keep a married jerk around. And for the money, the wife surely enjoyed spending that, too. She lies for him.
      But, again, I say...notice how many people being where they shouldn't be. Doing things they should not be doing ends very badly.

    8. I'm sure the money made the wide easily forgive, and lie, for him.

    9. Ok, I understand that you wouldn't ever doing anything that stupid in your life, but who are you to make that jugdment,did someone die and make you king of common sense. Sorry, I've been following this about 2 0r 3 yrs. The married guy and his wife had something to do with this. I'm glad he no longer works there. I don't understand why there was not more action taken. The police didn't seem to have a handle on this.

    10. I'll tell you one thing I wouldn't EVER do and that is degrade myself by climbing into the bed of some jerk's truck and hide like some dirty little joke. Another thing I wouldn't do is give some jerk my life's savings when I had a kid to look out for. She certainly didn't deserve what happened to her, but this woman had so many clues to that jerk's character and she ignored them all. But then, she was involved with a married man so her character was nothing to brag about either. I mean, come on, if you read true crime you see time and time again how many of these types of women end up dead. Apparently, being cheaters is the least of these guys character flaws. A cautionary tale for sure.

    11. Blood was tested in 2016 there were 2 profiles one was the suspects Brian flowers and the other too degraded to get a profile of.

  2. It doesn't matter if he was home at 2:00am and didn't go out of town. It sounds like he did not plan to go out of town with her at all but instead planned to kill her. He told her to hide in his truck from his friend because he didn't want any witnesses to place him with her on the day she went missing. I am sure he told her it was because he didn't want his wife to find out. Then after he dropped off his friend he took her somewhere and killed her then made it home by 2:00am.

    1. I agree. If they got off work at 12, and he got home at 2... what happen in that two hours?

    2. Agree, Flowers and probably his wife too planned to scam her out of the ninety thousand dollars she thought she was lending him for their future and then with no witnesses, cause I’m sure he didn’t think she would tell her family about hiding in the back of a truck, he killed her and now is free with his family and patty’s retirement money!!!!! At least give Patty’s daughter the 90 grand u stole u piece of trash Brian Flowers!!!!!! U killed her!!!!!

    3. YES...time for a civil trial and bankrupt that couple. That's all there is at this point.

    4. There are conflicting reports of that 2hrs, he said they stopped off to get a burger and there was a line at the drive-up, at that time of night there probably was but police checked the place said there wasn't. Don't know distance between work and his home or how far his friend had to be dropped off, there was nothing and I never saw anything in news reports. I thinks there something fishy with the coppers!!!. lol

  3. DNA must come forth now, its been far too long, there must be justice for Patti! That man is guilty as anything and he must be squirming, along with his just as guilty wife. He is rotten to the core, why doesnt he identify himself if he proclaims that he is inoccent? There is something terribly fishy going on here and the rest of the world wants to know about it! Come on police, pull finger and do your damn job!

  4. Omg why havent they checked the lake the suspect claims to have fished at the day after she went missing. i bet you anything thats where her body was thrown. Come on police.

    1. You have a valid clue, when i saw TO COVE THE FISHING GER that was red-herring, police shoud have checked the area for fishig.

    2. You know I forgot about the lake, I just heard that he and his wife claim he was at home during the shutdown of Honda Plant {the time they were going off in the wilderness together} I didn't realize he had changed his story and said he had gone fishing the day after. Wondering is Scott Peterson took notes!!

    3. Go to Facebook and there is a page Brian flowers the main suspect in the killing of patti adkins there is a picture of him and his wife and someone put if someone sees this guy Brian flower from dola ohio ask him to stop into the union country sheriff office and let us know where patti Adkins is lol

    4. I saw that pic but i dont think its him and wife, i looked him up by address in Dola ohio and hus daughters name is Brenna Flowers her facebook is public she was Hardin County Fair queen 2021 and in fb photis shes pictured with her oarents and its not same puc as the one ur referencing. My heart brraks for Patti and her daughter and family, im so disgusted that this case hasnt been prosecuted based on common sense evidence, def small town hillbilly police, i mean yeah it was 2001 but technology existed then like business cameras traffic cames cell phone tower triangulation honda plant cameras etc, i mean they saw her exit bldg llso if she did get into pickup bed who shut tailgate? This was planned out, makes me scared killer amoung us, and pic they look like nirmal people ehich is all the more scarier, and not to start a religious debate but im a believer and one thing that i know or believe rather to be fact is that nobody can hide from God

    5. Wrong Flowers. His daughter is NOT Brenna, although he does have a daughter.

  5. I wanna get a look at this guy, cant seem to find a photo online of him tho..

    1. Same here that's how I found this forum.

    2. Radaris has a photo: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Flh3.googleusercontent.com%2F-JBEi2eA3X_Y%2FAAAAAAAAAAI%2FAAAAAAAAAA0%2F2kjXAeFkuX4%2Fphoto.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fradaris.com%2Fp%2FBrian%2FFlowers%2F&docid=NYZEX925ESu8SM&tbnid=tprw6QaevHT9mM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjEtIqTm67iAhXqilQKHdaSAfYQMwg-KAEwAQ..i&w=512&h=512&bih=663&biw=1366&q=brian%20flowers%20dola%20ohio&ved=0ahUKEwjEtIqTm67iAhXqilQKHdaSAfYQMwg-KAEwAQ&iact=mrc&uact=8

    3. How do you know? Do you know them to know who his daughter is or isnt?

  6. If they had a relationship, wouldn't the phone records confirm it? I was so annoyed that the cops never mentioned phone records in this case. Her sister knew the guys number, which means Patti had called him at home!

    1. does not mean Patti called him at home or anywhere... his number was in the phone book.

    2. she was completely played by him,she lent him up to 90 thousand dollars and he suppose to start paying back in july which is when se disappeared.she was a very naive woman.i still don't understand why women almost never use common sense,the guy even told her not to bring any clothes for the trip and of course so not to leave any trail.but he murdered her that day on the bed of that truck

    3. I here yah. Why didn't she see the red flags. Her family stated that she was a grown woman, and yet here we are and she's!!! I understand she was in her 20's but late 20's. I'm not blaming her, but this cost her her life. Man please, it's the 21st century. Well like they say hindsight is 2020. I still think the police could have done more. She has a daughter who is is now what almost the same age she was. Maybe, she could not handle it, and faked everything and living somewhere else like Canada. To find answers people just need to step up.

    4. Patti supposedly gave him a phone to use for their clandestine affair. If so police should have been able to track their affair using that

  7. I believe this may be the alleged killer! I say alleged to protect myself. However, I feel very strongly about this.


    I hope they can bring her home soon...

    1. That can't be the guy. Patty was 29 years old at the time of her disappearance.
      The guy in the mug shot was 28 years old in 2012 (the date of the mug shot)his birth date 6/27/1984. That only makes him 17 years old at the time of Pattis disappearance.

    2. you feel "strongly" about this because you found a picture of a guy with the same name? You, in all your infinite wisdom are declaring that this person, whose photo you found on the internet, must have murdered a missing person..... let's see he was 17 at the time of the incident and you are sure this is the person..... wonderful.

    3. Hey idiot!
      Before you publicly accuse someone as a killer, do some simple math!!!
      This guy was a KID in high school when Patti went missing!!!

    4. It's not him you won't find any pictures of him on the internet. He has never been in trouble with the law. I worked with him and Patti, don't worry about it folks, karma will take car of him

    5. Hey, to the person who said they worked with both. You're damn Right the son of a bitch is going to face the music. It's not a matter of if. But when. But he will.

    6. We are not adding to the results here!✌✌


  8. i suspect that co-worker, he did it to avoid repaying her... i wish this technology would move along faster so they can test that stain ... i wonder if they tested it for other evidence like chemicals, perhaps he poisoned her with gas fumes or carbon monoxide from the exhaust fumes that's why he told her to get in the back... omg .. that's awful but hoping the family gets some closure soon

  9. if that's the right Brian Flowers (mugshot link posted above), according to date of birth he would have been 17 years old when Patti went missing, it doesn't add up ..

  10. Did police check the cell phone activity of Flower's phone from 12 am to 2 am? If it was powered off- suspicious. If not, it would show where he went with Patti.

  11. the photo given is definitely not the correct person...

  12. bryan flowers killed patty...... that´s the true

    1. yep he had a friend who is protecting him for nearly 20 years saying he went to burger king with him wow what a friend , he as guilty as flowers

  13. I would have went to where they got fast food and check reciepts to see if what they say they purchased, was purchased, at the time they say they ordered it.

    1. That's been checked out. Yes.

    2. The co-worker went to Burger King, but lied and said he and a fellow co-worker waited in line for 45 minutes at approximately 1am! Years ago, I worked at a fast food restaurant. Nobody, in the 4 years I worked there, ever waited more than a few minutes. He lied. Period. Everything out of this man's mouth is a lie! He killed her, and I would'nt be surprised if he isn't getting some major assistant with covering it up!

  14. You should hire the nest PI money can get and start a website so people can give money. Brian Flowers is going to get his's don't worry, I promise!

  15. Any updates on this case? Its 100% the cheating husband. Denying so obviously. He should be tortured!

  16. Does anyone know where they did the actual searching for her?

  17. seen a women while working in Alabama that looks a lot like Patti in Mobile said she going to some kind ballroom dance ,she was working at a restaurant I told the sheriff department don't know if they followed up on this. I seen this story about Patti on tv after I came back to ohio from Alabama and called the police and told them what me and this women talked about and they thought maybe I dream this stuff up from watching the show .I asked them check the place of her employment out down in Alabama but I don't think they took me seriously .Looked a lot like her just older it was year Alabama beat Texas I think 2009.

  18. They were adding a new line during the shutdown that she disappeared. My speculation was that she is now under 2 feet of concrete in the plant. Maybe she was lured back into the plant, killed, buried under the dirt, and now the concrete. Never find the body for a hundred years. Just a theory anyway. I wonder if Marysville PD knew they laid hundreds of feet of concrete during that time?

    1. yea, they dragged her body in while all those employees were making the renovations to the plant... that's genius!!!

    2. Do they use cement when they build a new line? I don't know just asking!

    3. When I saw this comment earlier today, I thought it wasn't plausible. But I've read some things which cause me to believe it is a possibility that should have been investigated. Good call.

  19. Patti would never dissapear on her own. She loved her daughter way too much. I grew up, best friends with her daughter and her, she was such an amazing mother.

  20. Did the police ever follow up where brian flowers did this work with concrete, the same left over concrete he had in his back garden?Also like someone above mentioned, I wouldn't completely rule out the workplace. He obviously planned it very carefully.

    1. Not too carefully cuz her DNA along with her cats was found on his truck tonneau cover.

  21. Not sure why this isn't enough for a Grand Jury. I find the sister's credible. I don't believe this was stalking. Or that he didn't know her. Cat hair DNA works for me. With the blood sample being so small they will use the same defense. Take it to trial now.

    1. Your right they should have brought this to trial by now, the sister is very credible, and what would she have done with all that money she had withdrawn from her account, other than give it to him. These are things that she told her sister long before she ever went missing, yet they checked her bank account and saw the large amounts of money that had been taken out but they can't tie it to him. He was smart enough not to take a check, I'm sure she gave it to him in cash, that way if anything did happen, it wouldn't show up in his account. I figure he did this so when he did dump her because he got all the money out of her that he could she couldn't take him to civil court. I really don't think he had planned this far in advance to kill her, only when July came around ( when the money was supposed to be paid back to) I think he panicked and that he decided to kill her. I definitely think it's murder one though because it was premeditated. I can't figure out though if the wife was in on it or not. I've seen other DAs take other murder one cases with much less evidence to court and get a conviction, I don't understand why they haven't tried him yet. Well hopefully she won't be forgotten.

  22. A man is not going to leave his wife. The saying, "why buy a cow when you get the milk free. There are players out there and some are really convincing, and the others really sympathetic until they get what they want. Be smart and if he is married, be really smart, 'cause what goes around, comes around. Bottom line...he'll cheat on you too.

    1. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻😬

  23. This is still an open case, so the police aren't going to divulge every bit of evidence they have on national television for many reasons (giving the suspect a heads up, tainting jury pools, etc). I really hope this case gets solved soon. Patti's family deserves answers.

    1. That's true, but I think they're actually making up "evidence" this time. I don't believe the blood sample exists.

  24. Someone close to the person who is responsible for Patti's disappearance knows something about this case. A spouse, a friend, a co-worker, a family member....knows something about this and are either afraid or won't do the right thing and tell the police. Maybe if Honda offered a reward for information that helps solve the case it would shake loose some information. The Honda Plant in Marysville is huge and it would be difficult to search it without the company's cooperation and maintenance records which would report if any construction work was going on there at that time Patti went missing.

    This is a tangled web and the public has learned repeatedly that married boyfriends can kill their girlfriends to avoid marital problems; that people can kill each other over money; and that men close to victims can kill vulnerable women like Patti; and, that complete strangers can kill a person leaving no clues to their identity. But the story reported so far seems to point at a man who was allegedly romantically linked to her and had allegedly borrowed a lot of money for her.

    SOMEONE KNOWS SOMETHING ABOUT THIS AND SHOULD COME FORTH TO HELP A FAMILY HEAL FROM THE TRAGEDY. If you know something and don't help, you deserve a guilty conscience which I hope haunts you every second of every day for the rest of your life.

    Help Patti's family.

    1. There's enough info and evidence to win a civil trial.

  25. To be fair, if i received a random phone call at 3am from a woman who claims my husband was having an affair with her now missing sister, I think we would both be listening with fascination and asking questions, whilst my husband states he doesn't really know her that well, apart from work, if innocent, just like he did. The sister portrayed this as being suspicious. Doesn't sound suspicious to me. If he wanted to keep an affair a secret, why wouldn't he deny the affair? Maybe I'm missing something, but is there any evidence they were actually having an affair? Also, if she wanted to hide in the vehicle so coworkers wouldn't find her then why send a card and gifts to his address where his wife lives? Very sad story. I think there's more going on here than meets the eye and I don't think it's an open and shut case that this guy is guilty.

    1. you should work for this useless police force😤

    2. Hello to Renea Flowers fan club. He is guilty and she was in on it. The gifts were not sent to his house, she gave them to him at his auto repair shop he owned with his brother in law Wade. You should not defend her, she is just as guilty !!!

    3. Hello to the Brian and Renea Flowers friends. It’s so sad, you all are related to each other in that little town and cover for them. Use some common sense, and think about if this was your daughter. You would want justice !! Give him up already and do the right thing!!

  26. To be fair, if i received a random phone call at 3am from a woman who claims my husband was having an affair with her now missing sister, I think we would both be listening with fascination and asking questions, whilst my husband states he doesn't really know her that well, apart from work, if innocent, just like he did. The sister portrayed this as being suspicious. Doesn't sound suspicious to me. If he wanted to keep an affair a secret, why wouldn't he deny the affair? Maybe I'm missing something, but is there any evidence they were actually having an affair? Also, if she wanted to hide in the vehicle so coworkers wouldn't find her then why send a card and gifts to his address where his wife lives? Very sad story. I think there's more going on here than meets the eye and I don't think it's an open and shut case that this guy is guilty.

  27. I'm perplexed how the primary POI hasn't been charged yet. The cat hairs found on his tonneau cover were sent to a lab in Texas and proven to be an exact match to her cat. The suspect purchased this tonneau cover days before Patti went missing and took it off immediately after she went missing.... Hmmm! Not to mention, didn't just take it off, but stashed it at his auto shop. Am I the only one that thinks this should be open and closed? How else would her cat's fur get on this brand new tonneau cover if Patti personally and unintentionally didn't place them there? In my opinion, this cat hair link should be considered every bit as viable as the speck of blood simply due to the timeline of events, as well as the 10 pieces of circumstantial evidence linking "him" to her disappears a.k.a murder! Prayers for Patti's family.

  28. Anyone know HOW MUCH DEBT SHE HAD ? Did she have any insurance policies ? Who was the beneficiary ? Two simple scenarios come to mind. 1st...Someone in her family helped her carry out a plan that would benefit her daughter.....or it's the 2nd option (Boyfriend)...so find the actual time the suspect and his buddy stopped for food. Drive from there to the buddy's house. Stop, this is time ONE. Time TWO is the time his wife said he got home. Now drive it. How different is it from Wife's time. You now have the TIME HE USED TO COMMIT THE CRIME. It's an easy math problem to know where he could go from his buddy's house, place the body in a pre-dug hole and get home. Does he, his family, his wife's family own a secluded spot within this range (could also be his hunting or fishing or dirt bike riding site, etc.) Very high likelihood of one of these two being the actual case.....

  29. Would of been nice if the below items were mentioned by the deputy during the televised discovery/ID segment: actions preformed by law enforcement: (alleged b/f aka Brian Flowers)
    1. surveillance cameras at Honda, fast food restaurant
    2. time/distance from Honda to fast food, time distance from fast food to Flowers residence
    3. canvass of lake fished by Flowers and surrounding area
    4. interview of alleged fishing participants with Flowers
    5. complete review of cell phone records of Flowers and wife
    6. financial records review of Flowers, wife, close personal friends and business partner
    7. Was polygraph exam offered Flowers
    8. motive, opportunity seems to exist to only one subject
    9. canvass construction sites of Flowers
    10. canvass property along probable routes leading from Honda to Canada and or fellow workers' residence to Canada
    11. obtain residual soil, debris evidence from alleged truck utilized by Flower
    12. cadaver canvass the property owned by Flowers, family and friend
    13. canvass area public/private surveillance cams along the routes from Honda, fast food restaurant, co-worker residence and probably routes leading out of town to Canada

  30. Anonymous Nov 26, 2016. I totally agree with you!! The cat hair links her to being in the truck and him purchasing the truck cover right before and then suddenly taking it off
    aferwards and stashing it shows hes guulty. Your post notes there are the 10 other circumstancial pieces of evidance...would be nice to see those posted ....Don't forget they found the hard rock cafe shirt that Patti gave to him as a gift in Brian's drawer at his home. This also proves he knew her more than casual work and that he lied when he said he didn't know her well. My heart aches for the family. I hope the case is still open and justice is served soon!!!!

  31. Anyone knew of Steve Rausch worked at Honda plant Drives 2 hours away from current home and still goes to the church in Marysville that is near Patricia's old home? He would have been in his early 50's at the time I was told he was a suspect that law enforcement searched a cabin he rented and the pond there but nothing was found.

    1. You must be Brian, or someone quite close to him...

    2. Hey Brian Flowers friend. This person does not exist. Try again!!

  32. is Brian on social media? I want to have a look at him.

  33. I wondering why they didn't have a search warrant and come thru his entire home, phone records (phone towers) and of course his bank statements for extra money and deposits. And, why he all of a sudden lied about getting a gift (like hard rock T-shirt) from Patti!! #smh/sloppy investigation :(

  34. Since the case first aired on Dateline till this day I have been trying to follow the case, new leads and such but it seems that the investigators "Rookies" at the time are still waiting for advances in technology to use on the tiny speck of blood found the truck's cover "Hoping it may solve the case and catch their abductor/killer".

    I agree with with Sunshine, sloppy detective work. Cell towers haven't been checked, phone records, Luminol was not used on the truck's bed, questioning the timeline between 12:00 and 2:30 am and the fishing trip, the location of the fishing spot I also believe he drove by himself to the fishing area or did his wife accompany him.

    My theory and strongly believe the boyfriend "Brian" Killed Patti after dropping off his friend and the wife? She is a LIAR. Patti was killed that night, wrapped and buried in the ditch next to the house, till the next day, disposing of his body on his way to his fishing trip then fill the ditch next to the house with cement to dispose of any DNA left behind and mask the scent in case cadaver dogs were used, the dogs detected a scent but there was no body.

    INMHO the man had planned everything for quite some time in order NOT to repay the $90,000 he owed and his wife may not be an accomplice but she knows more than what we're led to believe. Again, this is my theory and have been haunted by this case since the day I have watched it on Dateline till this day. I have watched and read about hundreds of case none have touched me as deep as the case of Patti Adkins, I pray the day will soon come to finally solve it and bring closure to her daughter, family and friends.

  35. I just watched DateLine about Patti. Tragic. Im still hung up on the DNA found. What's up with it being tested. Or indeed, it was a lie. The wife was in on it 100%. Maybe they have done this before? Just thinking to myself........

  36. Who pours concrete at the side of their house for no reason? It's not like it was part of any garden or walkway design. To destroy evidence, that's why. The dog who picked up a cadaver scent at the spot of the concrete had it right. They should have taken soil from that area. Just dug the entire area up and bagged it, then tested the heck out of it. That poor trusting girl did not deserve this.

  37. i think that they are trying to get as much evidence as possible, before they do anything. It is hard to prove a murder occurred without a body. There has to be a sufficient body of evidence.

  38. I’m from the area where this happened and my thoughts from local theories is that he killed her in the spot he poured the concrete and took her body to a lime quarry he worked at. They interviewed a guy who clocked out like 4 seconds after her that night and he had said that he heard her on the phone taking with someone and she seemed frustrated with them. She was at the atm and said “I’m trying, I’m getting as much as it will let me” and then she left. It was also known at Honda they were together and she had told one girl that he was “hers” when the other girl was getting trained by Brian. The wife absolutely knew about it. Their business was still open from the money Brian got from her, that much doesn’t go unnoticed.

    1. Did they get his cell phone records to check who he spoke to and her records where was the atm at Honda

  39. poor patti. he took her to the cleaners. i wish she would have been more streetwise.

  40. If he killed her at home what about kids neighbours hearing or watching it happen who was the man that clocked out after her what phone was she talking on

    1. His kids were sleeping and him and coworker did it out in the county, he had a week to do the cover up which was done that weekend when he went fishing.

    2. a week breathin space before cops started asking questions, could travel to arizona dessert in that time and bury the body this is a crazy lax case

    3. The idea of her being poisoned by the trucks exhaust under the tonneau cover might have some merit.

  41. I’d say at first he liked her then led her on. Only super rich people can just arrive somewhere and buy everything they need. He could have told her anything and she would have believed it. You can’t help who you fall I love with. He got nervous because she was getting too close and offed her - probably around where he went fishing. He’s got a dumb wife. This needs solved for her family’s sake and for poor Patty as well.

    1. You most certainly can help who you 'fall in love' with. He was married which should have been a big glaring red flag for her. She was not some innocent child, she was more than happy to break up a family, she just didn't realize how vile this guy was. She put herself in a very dangerous situation.

    2. You're calling the wife dumb? LOL. Ok. There is definitely a dumb female here, but it ain't the wife.

  42. Her sister failed her. This is the problem with women - they dont use their brains instead use their heart. As a guy if my sister was having an affair and giving some jerk her money. I'd drive down to his house/work and beat the F out of him. How can her sister just be so stupid to let her give some guy money and not stop her? Now the sister says she regerets not lookiing out for Patti. Too late for the tears!

  43. I believe that the primary suspect killed Patti, and that the car pool friend and his wife either know or suspect that he did. Fast forward to now. His grown kids are sure to have heard about this and may have researched the web. What must they think? And the daughter, well, what kind of message has the wife sent to her daughter? “It’s ok to live with a man who took a woman’s life savings and then killed her.” That’s the message she has sent. The suspect is a psychopath. But, what is the wife and carpool buddy’s excuse? Seriously.

    1. Why has the passenger name be witheald? What is his name? There 8s more to this passenger coworker that is unnamed

    2. I agree!! Wth is this passenger’s name already??

    3. Donnie Thompson from Kenton was his passenger

  44. Just watched a program about Patti she was such a beautiful woman. That PS boyfriend is guilty as hell. What is the States problem.I just don't understand why they haven't already arrested and given him the death penalty. They've convicted assholes on way less circumstantial evidence. Put the asshole in a cell with BUBBA and he'll get a confession out of him. My heart aches for her and her family.

  45. Follow the money! It's obvious Flowers is guilty, so present this circumstantial case to a jury of his peers! Hundreds of such cases have led to convictions. What evidence the public has become privy to seems adequate to render a guilty verdict by any reasonable, sensible jury, so bring this family some justice and do what's right!

  46. We should all message Donnie Thompson and ask why is he covering for Brian?!


  47. Flowers and friend at BK 45 minutes nonsense. BK Mgr said only $18 business during time they would have been there
